Changing the name of Danubius University, project adopted by the Senate

Changing the name of Danubius University, project adopted by the Senate

The project to change the name of Danubius University to DANUBIUS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY was adopted on Tuesday by the Senate of Romania.

The institutional renaming aims at greater visibility in the international university environment.

The initiator of the project is the Ministry of Education "as a result of the manifestation of will of the Danubius University in Galati to start a name change project, "a project whose objective is to gain the visibility of this institution in the university environment, an objective also captured in the new strategic plan of the university ", it is stated in the statement of reasons.

In the draft normative act, it is mentioned that the aspects related to the change of the name of this institution are transposed into the new strategic plan of the university, in which the institutional renaming will have an important role to gain greater visibility in the international environment, but also for the consolidation the link between higher education and society, international competitiveness, based on fundamental academic values, increasing attractiveness at national and international level, capitalizing on opportunities to undertake international collaborative activities, capitalizing on opportunities to undertake international collaborative activities.

The Romanian Senate is the first legislative chamber referred to in this case.

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