The mission of the International Partnerships Compartment within the International Relations Department is to support those activities within Danubius International University of Galati which are oriented towards the fulfilment of the strategic internationalization objectives of the university as a renowned higher education and research institution at national, regional, European and global level, by coordinating the activities related to the administration of the portfolio of bilateral international cooperation agreements at the level of the Danubius International University of Galați.
The mission of the International Partnerships Compartment within the International Relations Department are in line with the Internationalization Strategy of Danubius International University:
a) the development and implementation of the Internationalization Strategy of UIDG as a multi- and inter-disciplinary higher education institution;
b) the development and management of a portfolio of strategic international partners in order to become collaborators in international cooperation projects in higher education;
c) strengthening the already existing relations by creating specific activities that bring the partners closer;
d) the lucrative use of existing academic partnerships;
e) the involvement of the European universities with which we are in a partnership in the development and exploitation of European projects.
The activities promoted by the International Partnerships Compartment within the International Relations Department pursue the following development directions:
a) promoting and disseminating the good practices of Danubius International University at an international level;
b) representation at specific events concerning the university's activity in the international environment;
c) the permanent increase in the number of international partnerships (academic and not only) both at European and extra-European level;
d) providing pertinent and permanent information to the management of Danubius International University regarding the evolution and structure of the international environment in which the university operates as well as regarding the opportunities for international development and collaboration;
e) logistic support in order to realize events at international level - conferences, workshops, seminars for the dissemination of good practices;
f) permanent support in the personal involvement of the internal environment of the university (students, faculty and administration) in the development of the personal relationships with the established or potential international partners of the university.