Dear Colleagues,
The Department of International Relations, through the Erasmus+ Office of Danubius University, informs you that the selection of members of the Danubius academic community who will benefit from Erasmus+ Teaching and Training mobility activities in the universities of Erasmus+ Program member countries has begun, within the project number 2022-1-RO01- KA171-HED-000077603.
Through the Erasmus+ programme, selected participants can teach or carry out training mobility activities at those universities in the Erasmus+ Program countries that accept their participation.
We are pleased to inform you that within the project with 2022-1-RO01-KA171-HED-000077603 are available:
- Republic of Moldova: 4 outgoing places
- Albania: 10 outgoing places
- Israel: 4 outgoing places
- Thailand: 1 outgoing places
The benefits of an Erasmus+ experience:
The experience gained facilitates career development, offers the possibility of deepening and learning a foreign language, stimulates the acquisition of intercultural skills and the accumulation of specialized information, allows contact with a new academic environment, with professors and students from the host university, as well as the discovery of a new cultural space.
Members of the Danubius academic community have the opportunity to be ambassadors of their university and country, to gain academic experience and exchange best practices with members of an institution abroad.
Who can apply?
-teaching mobility: teaching staff carrying out teaching, seminar or laboratory activities;
-training mobility: teaching staff and auxiliary and administrative staff, members of the Danubius academic community.
Before mobility
The stages of beneficiary selection are as follows:
1. Submission of application files: in order to be able to quantify the mobilities assumed within the project no. 2022-1-RO01-KA171-HED-000077603, this activity will take place between 14.11.2023 – 24.11.2023
2. Selection of candidates 27.11.2023-28.11.2023
3. Announcement of results – – 30.11.2023
4. Organization of the Mobility Activity 05.12.2023 – until the last full week of the project (28.07.2025 must be the last day of mobility)
The criteria according to which the selection of candidates for teaching and training mobilities will be carried out are the following (maximum 100 points):
CV: maximum 20 points (the following elements will be considered for awarding the maximum score: specialized training, distinctions/awards, membership of professional organizations/professional/scientific societies, etc.);
Teaching/Training Agreement: maximum 70 points (the relevance of the following aspects will be considered for awarding the maximum score: the goals of the mobility, the expected results, the activities proposed to take place within the mobility, the benefits of the mobility for the candidate and the university).
10 points will be awarded to people who have been involved and provided support in the training and/or teaching activities of INCOMING students and staff in the previous academic year.
10 points will be awarded to people applying for the first Erasmus+ mobility activity.
The selection will take into account compliance with application submission deadlines and the order of application submission:
- incomplete files will not be considered
- files submitted after the selection period (14.11.2023 – 24.11.2023) will not be taken into account;
- files can only be submitted through the application form. Files sent by email or on paper will not be accepted;
Application files will be submitted only through the following application form:
Formularul de Aplicație Online
The documents that candidates must submit are the following:
- CV (in English, PDF, Europass format) signed on each page, in PDF format.
- Teaching/Training Program, for teaching/training mobilities, document that must contain a plan of the activities proposed by the candidate to be carried out during the mobility period.
The model Teaching/Training Agreement form can be requested from the Erasmus+ Office (Room A3).
After determining the beneficiaries of the training and teaching mobilities, the following stages will be carried out in order to organize the mobility:
The Erasmus+ Office (BE+) will notify the host university/institution of the selection results and request confirmation of the participant's acceptance (which may also take the form of an acceptance letter).
BE+ will invite the participant to sign the Financial Contract based on which he will receive the grant allocated to the teaching or training mobility (Teaching/Training) obtained following the selection.
Mobility activity
The mobility participant has the obligation to organize his activity (transportation, accommodation, health insurance, etc.). To the extent that the participant considers that he is not sufficiently prepared or is unclear about the logistical organization of the mobility activity, he is asked to contact the Department of International Relations/Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator to minimize any risks regarding the logistical organization of the mobility activity .
During the travel period, each participant will ensure the continuity of the didactic/professional activity in good conditions, respectively a person to take over his didactic or administrative duties. In the case of auxiliary teaching and administrative staff, the establishment of the mobility period will be made by mutual agreement of the managerial structures of the department to which it belongs, to ensure the continuity of the activity.
Upon returning from mobility, the beneficiary must submit to BE+ within the DRI the documents attesting to the mobility, namely the Certificate of Attendance (the corresponding general model of the Certificate of Attendance, agreed with the institutional partners can be found by accessing the link:
The Erasmus+ Office will issue the Certificate model for each individual mobility, completed with the data of the corresponding partner university, and the participant will return it signed by the host university at the end of the activity.
It is the participant's responsibility to collect this signed document from the host university at the end of the mobility activity and submit it personally, in original, to the Erasmus+ Office at Danubius University.
The final report will be completed electronically, each beneficiary will receive two separate e-mails on the e-mail address provided by him in the application documents from where he will be able to access the mandatory reporting forms:
1. Participant Report Form sent automatically from the Erasmus+ online reporting and management tool;
2. The standardized reporting form sent by the Erasmus+ Office.
We emphasize the fact that it is mandatory to complete them fully and with responsibility, as the studies and evaluations carried out on them can improve the quality of the services offered and future experiences in the framework of activities of this kind. Your answers are valuable both at the level of the Danubius University and at the level of the National Agency and the European Commission, which manage the Erasmus+ Program, as these reports are the subject of the evaluations and reports made at the end of each individual project.
For more details, please contact the Erasmus+ team of Danubius University at: Erasmus+ department, room A3, schedule Monday-Friday 08:00 - 16:00.
Good luck to all candidates!
The Erasmus+ team
Possible Destinations
Republica Moldova
4 locuri outgoing
Universitatea Libera Internationala din Moldova – ULIM
Oraș: Chișinău
Universitatea De Studii Europene din Moldova – USEM
Oraș: Chișinău
10 locuri outgoing
Aleksander Moisiu University – UAMD
Oraș: Durres
Tirana Business University COLLEGE – TBU
Oraș: Tirana
4 locuri outgoing
Azrieli College of Jerusalem
Oraș: Ierusalim
1 locuri outgoing
Siam University
Oraș: Bangkok